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韩国高丽商事株式会社(KOS LIMITED)成立于1965年,从事不锈钢丝和钢丝绳生产已有30几年的历史,本公司始终站在世界不锈钢丝生产的最前列。除了在韩国国内的釜山、浦项、阳山等地建立了6家工厂,我们还在在美国、日本、香港、新加坡等地设立了海外法人,建立起遍布全球的销售网络。 目前高丽商社的所有产品不仅规格齐全而且还通过了ISO9001质量认证和其他国家诸如日本、美国、欧洲和东南亚等的相关质量认证。KOS Group are the largest manufacturer of stainless steel wire and wire rope combined in the world.KOS has become a recognized name throughout the world. Our excellent reputation has come from our dedication to superior quality and dependable service. We are dedicated to building long term relationships with our customers by continuing to&nb... [详细介绍]